1 Os gráficos nesta seção são do premiado jornalista Robert Whitaker, autor de Anatomia de uma Epidemia (2010) e Mad in America (2002), inclusive de sua conversa altamente recomendada com a Rede Soteria no Reino Unido em 16 de julho de 2021, “Soteria Past, Present, and Future: The Evidence For This Model of Care”.
2 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, Pub. Law. 104–193, August. 22, 1996; 110 Stat. 2105.
3 Insel, Thomas R. (2009). “Translating Scientific Opportunity Into Public Health Impact: A Strategic Plan for Research on Mental Illness.” Archives of General Psychiatry 66(2): 128–133.
4 Harrow, Martin; & Jobe, Thomas H. (2007). “Factors Involved in Outcome and Recovery in Schizophrenia Patients Not on Antipsychotic Medications: A 15-Year Multifollow-Up Study.” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 195(5): 406–414.
5 Os neurolépticos são comercializados como “antipsicóticos” embora não possuam efeitos especificamente antipsicóticos para a maioria das pessoas.
6 Seikkula, Jaakko, et al. (2006). “Five-Year Experience of First-Episode Nonaffective Psychosis in Open- Dialogue Approach: Treatment Principles, Follow-Up Outcomes, and Two Case Studies.” Psychotherapy Research 16(2): 214–228.
7 Harrow, Martin; & Jobe, Thomas H. (2007). “Factors Involved in Outcome and Recovery in Schizophrenia Patients Not on Antipsychotic Medications: A 15-Year Multifollow-Up Study.” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 195(5): 406–414.
8 Embora possa não haver uma coincidência exata entre os 80% que se recuperaram e os 80% que não fizeram uso de neurolépticos a longo prazo, é nítido que minimizar o uso destas substâncias produz efeitos drasticamente melhores.
9 O melhor livro para entender o impacto das drogas psiquiátricas em geral, não apenas os neurolépticos, é Anatomia de uma Epidemia: pílulas mágicas, drogas psiquiátricas e o aumento assombroso da doença mental (2010) de Robert Whitaker, de cujo trabalho boa parte desta seção foi extraída.
10 Harrow, Martin; Jobe, Thomas H.; & Faull, Robert N. (2012). “Do All Schizophrenia Patients Need Antipsychotic Treatment Continuously Throughout Their Lifetime? A 20-Year Longitudinal Study.” Psychological Medicine 42(10): 2145–2155; Harrow, Martin; & Jobe, Thomas H. (2013). “Does Long-Term Treatment of Schizophrenia With Antipsychotic Medications Facilitate Recovery?” Schizophrenia Bulletin 39(5): 962–965; Harrow, M.; Jobe, T. H.; & Faull, R. N. (2014). “Does Treatment of Schizophrenia With Antipsychotic Medications Eliminate or Reduce Psychosis? A 20-Year Multi-Follow-up Study.” Psychological Medicine 44(14): 3007–3016; Harrow, Martin, et al. (2017). “A 20-Year Multi-Followup Longitudinal Study Assessing Whether Antipsychotic Medications Contribute to Work Functioning in Schizophrenia.” Psychiatry Research 256: 267–274; e Harrow, Martin; & Jobe, Thomas H. (2018). “Long-Term Antipsychotic Treatment of Schizophrenia: Does it Help or Hurt Over a 20-Year Period?” World Psychiatry 17(2): 162–163; Harrow, Martin; Jobe, Thomas H; & Tong, Liping. (2022). “Twenty-Year Effects of Antipsychotics in Schizophrenia and Affective Psychotic Disorders.” Psychological Medicine 52(13): 2681–2691.
11 Gøtzsche, Peter C. (2015), Deadly Psychiatry and Organized Denial, p. 165, et. seq. (Copenhagen: People’s Press). Vide também Parks, Joe, et al. (2006), Morbidity and Mortality in People With Serious Mental Illness (Alexandria, VA: National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors). O relatório documenta que a mortalidade entre pessoas diagnosticadas com doença mental grave no sistema público de saúde mental acelerou a tal ponto que estas pessoas estão agora morrendo 25 anos mais cedo do que a população geral. O relatório não atribui este fato às drogas psiquiátricas, mas é bem claro que a principal mudança seja o advento dos neurolépticos de segunda geração, e o grande aumento da polifarmácia.
12 Joukamaa, Matti, et al. (2006). “Schizophrenia, Neuroleptic Medication and Mortality.” British Journal of Psychiatry 188(2): 122–127.
13 Murray-Thomas, Tarita, et al. (2013). “Risk of Mortality (Including Sudden Cardiac Death) and Major Cardiovascular Events in Atypical and Typical Antipsychotic Users: A Study With the General Practice Research Database.” Cardiovascular Psychiatry and Neurology 2013: 247486.
14 Ray, Wayne A., et al. (2001). “Antipsychotics and the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death.” Archives of General Psychiatry 58(12): 1161–1167.
15 Gøtzsche, Peter C. (25 de fev. de 2023). “A New Paradigm for Testing Psychiatric Drugs is Needed.” Mad in America.
16 Whitaker, Robert. (6 de abr. 2023). “Answering Awais Aftab: When it Comes to Misleading the Public, Who is the Culprit?” Mad in America, citando Saha, Sukanta; Chant, David; & McGrath, John. (2007). “A Systematic Review of Mortality in Schizophrenia: Is the Differential Mortality Gap Worsening Over Time?” Archives of General Psychiatry 64(10): 1123–1131; Hayes, Joseph F., et al. (2017). “Mortality Gap for People With Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia: UK-Based Cohort Study 2000–2014.” British Journal of Psychiatry 211(3): 175– 181; Lilly, Samantha (6 de out. de 2022). “Long Term Antidepressant Use Associated With Increased Morbidity and Mortality.” Mad in America.
17 Lehmann, Peter. (2012). “About the Intrinsic Suicidal Effects of Neuroleptics: Towards Breaking the Taboo and Fighting Therapeutic Recklessness.” International Journal of Psychotherapy 16(1): 30–49; Whitaker, Robert. (2 de maio de 2020). “Do Antipsychotics Protect Against Early Death? A Review of the Evidence.” Mad in America; Healy, David, et al. (2006). “Lifetime Suicide Rates in Treated Schizophrenia: 1875–1924 and 1994–1998 Cohorts Compared.” British Journal of Psychiatry 188(3): 223–228.
18 Healy, David; & Aldred, Graham. (2005). “Antidepressant Drug Use & the Risk of Suicide.” International Review of Psychiatry 17(3): 163–172; Hengartner, Michael P.; & Plöderl, Martin. (2019). “Newer-Generation Antidepressants and Suicide Risk in Randomized Controlled Trials: A Re-Analysis of the FDA Database.” Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 88(4): 247–248; Hengartner, Michael P.; & Plöderl, Martin. (2019). “Reply to the Letter to the Editor: ‘Newer–Generation Antidepressants and Suicide Risk: Thoughts on Hengartner and Plöderl’s Re-Analysis’.” Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 88(6): 373–374; Fergusson, Dean, et al. (2005). “Association Between Suicide Attempts and Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials.” BMJ 330,7488: 396.
19 Britton, Jeffery W.; & Shih, Jerry J. (2010). “Antiepileptic Drugs and Suicidality.” Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety 2: 181–189; Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. (2008). Statistical Review and Evaluation: Antiepileptic Drugs and Suicidality. Como resultado, a FDA exige que os rótulos destes fármacos contenham o aviso “Drogas antiepilépticas […] aumentam o risco de pensamentos ou comportamentos suicidas”. Consulte os rótulos da FDA para Neurontin (gabapentina) e Lyrica (pregabalina).