
Dr. Lucy Johnstone: The Power Threat Meaning Framework

An interview with Dr. Lucy Johnstone about the new Power Threat Meaning Framework, an ambitious attempt to outline a conceptual alternative to psychiatric diagnosis which was published on January 12th this year by the Division of Clinical Psychology of the British Psychological Society.

Giovanni Fava – Uma Psiquiatria Diferente é Possível

Neste podcast, ouvimos o renomado clínico e pesquisador Dr. Giovanni Fava. O Dr. Fava é psiquiatra e professor de psicologia clínica na Universidade de...

Johann Hari: Conexões Perdidas

An interview with journalist and author Johann Hari about his latest book: Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real causes of Depression and the Unexpected Solutions, in which he learned that almost everything we have been told about depression and anxiety is wrong.

Irving Kirsch: O Efeito Placebo e o que ele nos diz a respeito da...

Dr Irving Kirsch is Associate Director of the Program in Placebo Studies and lecturer in medicine at the Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. He joins us this week to discuss his research into the placebo effect and what it tells us about the efficacy of antidepressant drugs.

Will Hall: A Harm Reduction Approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing

Will is a mental health advocate, counsellor, writer, and teacher. Will advocates the recovery approach to mental illness and is recognised internationally as an innovator in the treatment and social response to psychosis.

A Medicalização do Sofrimento da Mulher: Uma Entrevista com Dana Becker

Dana Becker é professora emérita de serviço social e de pesquisa social na Bryn Mawr College e tem trabalhado como psicoterapeuta por mais de...

Jim Gottstein: Patient Rights in Mental Healthcare

Jim Gottstein, president and founder of the organisation Law Project for Psychiatric Rights, talks about his own experiences with the psychiatric system, patient rights in mental healthcare and the recent trial between Wendy Dolin and the UK Pharmaceutical manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline.

Dr. David Healy: Procurando uma Cura para a Disfunção Sexual Prolongada relacionada com a...

An interview with Dr. David Healy, internationally respected psychiatrist, psychopharmacologist, scientist, and author, discussing Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD) and his innovative approach to finding a cure.

Anatomia de uma Psiquiatra

Esta semana, na Rádio MIA, entrevistamos a Dra. Sandy Steingard. Dr. Steingard é diretora-médica do Howard Center, um centro comunitário de saúde mental onde...

Johann Hari: “Foco Roubado” – Porque a gente não consegue mais prestar atenção?

Esta semana, no podcast do Mad in America, ouvimos de Johann Hari. Johann é um autor internacionalmente best-seller cujos livros apareceram em 38 idiomas,...

