Kermit Cole: Abordagens Dialógicas para Estados Extremos
Kermit Cole tells of his experiences of supporting those in extreme states and his thoughts on Open Dialogue and dialogical approaches in general.
Olga Runciman: Moving Beyond Psychiatry
This week on the Mad in America podcast we interview Olga Runciman. Olga is an international trainer and speaker, writer, campaigner, and artist. In this interview, we discuss Olga’s professional and personal experiences of the psychiatric system and how she now helps and supports healing and recovery in others.
Peter Breggin, MD: The Conscience of Psychiatry
On this episode of the MIA Radio podcast, we present part one of an interview with Dr. Peter Breggin about his career, his views on psychiatry and recent developments with the Michelle Carter trial in which he testified as an expert medical witness.
Peter Breggin, MD: The Conscience of Psychiatry (part 2)
Dr Beggin tells us about recent developments with the Michelle Carter trial, and we discuss alternatives to psychiatric drugs and the value of the therapeutic relationship.
Will Hall: A Harm Reduction Approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing
Will is a mental health advocate, counsellor, writer, and teacher. Will advocates the recovery approach to mental illness and is recognised internationally as an innovator in the treatment and social response to psychosis.
Dr. Lucy Johnstone: The Power Threat Meaning Framework
An interview with Dr. Lucy Johnstone about the new Power Threat Meaning Framework, an ambitious attempt to outline a conceptual alternative to psychiatric diagnosis which was published on January 12th this year by the Division of Clinical Psychology of the British Psychological Society.
Jim Gottstein: Patient Rights in Mental Healthcare
Jim Gottstein, president and founder of the organisation Law Project for Psychiatric Rights, talks about his own experiences with the psychiatric system, patient rights in mental healthcare and the recent trial between Wendy Dolin and the UK Pharmaceutical manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline.